adjective. from the press of Aldus Manutius and his family, who published fine editions of the classics (c. 1494-1597) at Venice and Rome. Etymology: Ald(us) + -ine
Aldine ISD FFA students eclipse $216,000 at FFA Livestock Show. The Aldine ISD FFA Livestock Show and Country Fair had quite a 50th anniversary celebration!
Aldine is a community imbued with an abundance of natural resources, location key among them. Just 15 minutes north of downtown Houston , this mixed-use area boasts of close-knit
The website for the Aldine United Soccer Club, located in Houston, Texas Welcome! At Aldine United Soccer Club we believe in player development, technically and tactically
Aldine ISD Child Nutrition Services Aldine ISD is proud to be accredited as a Standards of Excellence School by the Texas Assocation for School Nutrition.
K-12th Grade. District information. Links to all the schools in the district.
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