Daily readings

daily readings
Be sure to visit our affiliate web site SwamiVenkatesananda.org for more daily readings (Sutras, Yoga Vasistha, Venkatesa Daily Readings and more) plus recordings of
We have asked Creighton faculty, staff and administrators to reflect upon the daily readings each day. Click on the underlined name below for the daily reflections.
daily Gospel readings and meditations based on the common lectionary
Daily Mass readings and Psalms. From the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (U.S.).
Menu of Daily Bible Readings on a two year cycle arranged around the Christian Church Year beginning with Advent, adapted from the Book of Common Prayer, including searchable
God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; and Wisdom to know the difference. Thy will, not mine, be done.
Scripture Readings | PDFs of Daily Readings | Feasts and Saints A prayer before reading the Holy Scriptures | 'How to Read the Bible' by Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia
The little daily lesson: to keep soberly and quietly in His Presence, trying to turn every little action on His Will; and to praise and love through
Video Daily Reflections PDA Formatted Readings Reading 1 Sir 1:1-10 All wisdom comes from the LORD
Ever after a cinderella story
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