Ground hog s day
ground hog s day
Official site of the Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, Groundhog Club. Includes detailed history of the day, a listing of local events, and printable activity pages for kids.
advertisement. Overview. User Rating: 8.1/10 106,481 votes. Top 250: #177 (register to vote) Director: Harold Ramis. Writers : Danny Rubin (story) Danny Rubin (screenplay) more
Harry Potter, Humor, pairing: Harry P. & Luna L., Harry lives the same day over and over again. Disclaimer: I wrote this in a little less then two days, take that into account.
IT'S GROUNDHOG DAY! Chuck Wood: NO SHADOW - Spring is on it's way! Punxsutawney Phil: SHADOW - 6 more weeks of winter! Wiaron Willie:
Groundhog Day 2008 has arrived! Phil saw his shadow. There will be six more weeks of winter! Groundhog Day grew out of a mainly German superstition
Describes a project that begins on Groundhog Day, continues all year long, and involves students "shadowing" a job to learn more about the work world. Lists resources and
Get into Groundhogs this February with the kids! Here's a collection of Groundhog Day Fun from all over the web.
On Gobbler's Knob on this fabulous Groundhog Day, February 2nd, 2008 Punxsutawney Phil, the Seer of Seers, Prognosticator of all Prognosticators,
The history of how Groundhog Day started and what it means.
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