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The Whitewashing Of Ariel Sharon. By Saree Makdis . 08 January, 2006 Los Angeles Times. A s Ariel Sharon's career comes to an end, the whitewashing is already underway.
Montclair, NJ (6/8/05) - Montclair State University softball sophomore Crystal Dahlhaus and football sophomore George Makdis were among the 252 student-athletes named to the New Jersey
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The Whitewashing of Ariel Sharon The 'man of courage and peace' story ignores his bloody and ruthless past By Saree Makdis 01/07/06 "Los Angeles Times" -- -- As Ariel, maksimum indirim, indirimli alıÅveriÅ, hediyeli alıÅveriÅ, ucuz alıÅveriÅ, batmayan mayo, zayıflama ürünleri, koÅu bandı, akülü araba, ufo infrared
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